AMARI MAR (Brooklyn, NY) – "DaGodMustBKrazy" (Official Music Video) ///
AMARI MAR submitted this great track a few months back and it really impressed us. Showing true consciousness and lyrical ability expressing himself in more ways than one. He just dropped his official Music Video which we are proud to promote and help him get the shine he deserves to our BLOG audience. Big SHOUT OUTS to AMARI MAR for holding it down in Brooklyn and supporting
Some say hip hop is dead or hip hip lost its way through commercialism but there is one artist who stays true to the essence without compromising his artistic integrity. He goes by the name of Amari Mar aka AmariMarvelous aka Amari Mar Da God! He is an up and coming rap artist hailing from Brooklyn NY, trying to make a name for himself and creating a buzz with his first mixtape “TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE BROTH” Hosted By The Legendary Kool G Rap. Just take a listen to his music and you’ll witness a very witty lyricist thats good with words and paints mental pictures. Inspired from the likes of Rakim, Nas, Kool G Rap, Black Thought,Big Daddy Kane just to name a few, you can tell he is a student of the game while learning to stand on his own and take control of his foundation when it comes to making hip hop music. Currently unsigned, Amari Mar is looking to build his empire and stay in his own lane, not conforming to what society may feel or think otherwise. While listening to his music, he hopes you can gain something out of it, as he so calls says when he’s “dropping jewels to spark the mind”!