Q&A With Rising DMV Artist King Swag
Yo what’s up King Swag! Much respect to your new album release “The Why Project”! Tell us how long have you been rapping? Also, where are you from?
I been rapping for years going back to my days in DC scene at the gogo. Im from the DMV an area that will either make you or break you. As a key contributor of building a billion dollar city (National Harbor ) in my hometown of ,Oxon Hill , MD not only made a name for myself but gave me the title” King of the Harbor” aka Forever King.
Where did your moniker originate?
Swag Aint Free has been a motto
of mine my whole life. Nobody is gonna give you nothing and anything worth having comes with a price. Success is not owned, it leased and the rent is due daily. Last year I trademarked the name and started my company/Label. I dropped the title track for my Bday, people went crazy it was just a freestyle but I turned it to a lifestyle . The video was shot in Iceland. In Paris and Itlay everyone was asking was I a rapper, Im like nah Im a trapper but with my words carrying weight , why not use my influence .These bricks are true black ownership , black businesses not the illusion of owning a “street corner” but owning the building, u feel me?
What is the earliest hip hop memory you can recall?
My earliest memory of rap music was having the Doggystyle album by Snoop Dogg tape. It had some nude dog cartoon in the inserts , in my teacher was hating . I got it taken away at school.
Who’re some of your biggest musical influences?
Jay Z for sure, I respect his hustle ,consistency, and longevity. He built an empire of music that turned into black ownership. I build an empire in real eatate/black ownership , n the music came later but it has was always in my heart.J Cole , he stays true to himself and spit that real . He doesn’t change or try to fit in , he made his own lane. Being educated and rapping CAN go hand in hand. Much respect!
We have to ask, with all this social discourse and revolt, protesting and rioting, exposed police brutality toward blacks and BLM, how do you guys feel about this? We would love your perspective on the climate we are living in right now?
It’s crazy to see this revolution in 2020. As far as we came recently we still have a fight on our hands. I feel like if you don’t know where you’ve been, you never know where you going. We have to hold people accountable. Even with the progression of civil rights, we still are hunted like prey. We are the envy of the world. Thats why they hate.
You recently put out your album “The Why Project”. What was the inspiration behind it?
The Why Project the revision of OUR history. I feel like if you don’t know where you’ve been, you never know where you are going. We have to hold people accountable. The history books have be whitewashed and we were taught about slavery and being less. But in fact we were and are Kings and Queens. Our Why is our survival throughout everything. The ingenuity of making something out of nothing. The greatness that God blessed us with is why they want us locked up and families broken. This black excellence is on full display, I’m the one who escaped the system.The Why Project is a trilogy. A musical album , visual album, and even a book which is previewed on the Deluxe edition. The Deluxe edition is a retro cassette tape which is actually a USB drive.
Your honest opinion, out of all the songs you have in your catalog, which is the one song you feel stands out the most!?
My Song 4th of Ju-lie! is my personal favorite. It’s just one example of a holiday that is based on hypocrisy. Thanksgiving was also a lie. These underlying misconceptions have always existed. But in a way we’ve been brainwashed . The 3 strike rule, mandatory minimums , and 94 crime bill were intended to harm us. The Laws are not only bias but the privatized prison has affected too many black families with in proportional rates versus any other race. With a snippet of Malcom X blasting with the national anthem . The famoous speech “Democracy is hipocrasy ” still reigns true today. Ali words of “you are my oppersor” makes wearing an American flag outfit blasphemy in my eyes.
How are you coping with this whole Covid 19 situation? Has it delayed any new music production by any chance?
This Covid has effected my making music but I shot my entire visual album in Hawaii. It was really inspirational to create art that affect each and everyone of us. My reach and shows have been just a road bump on my journey.
Im working on releasing a new single “Swag King” which is a bonus track on the Deluxe edition. Its a turn up track with a different vibe then the rest of the Why project. Also Smoke 2(DMV Edition) which is the sequel to Smoke (Hawaii Hi) Straight fire, literally!!
Our most popular questions! What is your definition of “Underground Hip Hop”?
The definition of underground hip hop is the true orgin of why hip hop was invented . Not whats marketable or catchy but real life struggles and the true expressions of the people.
This new project fits underground hip hop to the T. This ain’t mainstream rap,. Me being independent gives me the freedom to express that real, with out these culture vultures in suits that have been profiting off our culture for years.
IG: Kingswagaf
FB : www.facebook.com/swagaintfree