OSCAR ROQUE (Dallas, TX) – Déjà Vu (Freestyle) /// UndergroundHipHopBLOG.com



Oscar Roque Is 17 yr old aspiring artist coming out of Dallas, Tx. Since birth he was raised in a broken home. Parents were having a hard time to make ends meet and only place Oscar could turn to was to music. Being raised off of HipHop music from artists such as Tupac, Biggie, 50 Cent, Wu Tang Clan, Jay z, Nas, Big Pun, Kanye West, And Rakim. He always loved the craft but thought because of his race he would not be accepted in the hiphop scene. However, later he would venture in the craft and write his first rhymes. He is still trying to find his unique sound through trial and error. He hopes to have people relate to him through his music, and inspire those who listen. He has yet to drop any cds yet but is currently in the works off his very first LP.



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