PAUL "PR" ROBINSON (Brookfield , CT) – Willie Lynch ///
PAUL “PR” ROBINSON gives Hip Hop a story that everyone needs to tune into! The video, and the story telling is on point, and the beat selection makes the song even more unique. Shout out to all the Christian Hip Hop heads also, we see you! –, BLESSINGS!
WHO IS WILLIE LYNCH? On the bank of the James River in the colony of Virginia in 1712, slave British slave owner, Willie Lynch delivered a speech to teach his methods to slave owners there. These methods included breaking the spirit of the black man by use of fear, distrust and envy for control purposes. Lynch suggested that after slaves receive this “doctiration, it shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for hundreds of years, maybe thousands.” Click Here to read entire speech.
THE MOVEMENT: Christian Hip Hop Artist: Paul PR Robinson recognizes that Willie Lynch is alive and well. You can find Willie Lynch in our own communities today. The black community has indeed has become self-generating of this syndrome as Lynch suggested would occur. The first step to deprograming this Willie Lynch chip is to identify if it lives in us. This song “Willie Lynch” by Paul “PR” Robinson challenges us to self-examine and take steps in a different direction.