YouTube Buys Out BandPage For $8M Claiming To Help Indie Musicians With Money-Making Tools!
There it is people, Youtube buys out Bandpage for $8m+ claiming that this will help out the indie Hip Hop community with With Money-Making Tools! Will this just be another bait and switch or will Youtube actually do what they are claiming and really help the starving indie artist? I have a good feeling this was a monopoly move, only to take more control of the market not just for Videos but for the whole monetization market.
Bandpage was a great way to organize your music portfolio, engage with audiences and taught you ways on making some good income in this over saturated market. With the growing demand of Indie Artist and labels blowing up, I’m sure this was Youtube’s only option just to stay in the money-making game!! I’m sure the BandPage founder and CEO J Sider took the money a ran. Evan for $8 Million I feel he could have taken more and shafted Youtube even more but that just goes to show that “Money Walks”!
Check out the source article from and read it for yourself.