ZIGG – Q&A Interview

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? How long have you been making Hip Hop?
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, I’m still living in Philly at this moment but I plan to move out the city either to California or Florida one of these days lol, and I’ve been making music since I was in the 5th grade, that’s when I wrote my first rap.
What influences you in making Hip Hop?
It’s many things that influence me. #1 person is my son. That’s my motivation my inspiration my everything.. I was just coasting along, hungry but not hungry for success. Once he was born it’s like everything changed.. A certain desire to be great just for him made me go harder and take everything more serious.. I could go on and on of the influences but he’s the main reason.
Describe your music, and what separates you from other MCs?
I consider my music to be versatile.. It’s more of feel good/stoner type music.. I always try to create tracks that people can bump in the wheel.. And also throw in a couple of tracks here and there that can be played EVERYWHERE.. I think what’s sets me apart from other MCs is that I make my own beats.. I feel by doing this I have more control and more creative thoughts going through my head without having to stick to the same type sound that everyone else have. I provide a different sound to the game.
Who have you collaborated with? Who would you like to collab with in the near future?
Recently, I collaborated with the ones that was there from the start. Hayes, Ree, JT.. Some of my favorite artist. I feel as though every project I put out I have to include them on it. They’ve been supporting me since day 1. It’s a couple of artist that I want to collab with that I haven’t just yet. First is my bro Dizzy Dask, he’s such a dope artist. We already getting that collaboration lined up so trust me you’ll be hearing from us soon. Some other Artist … And this is underground/unsigned artist, Asia Sparks.. Love her, Pnb Rock, & Lee Mazin. Far as signed.. My first big artists have to be Lil Wayne and Wiz.. They’re more in my lane of music.
Your definition of “Underground Hip Hop”?
Underground hip hop is a platform of hungry determined artist.. Underground hip hop contains the raw talent! The definition is the platform for artist that want to live their dream and become BIG. Everybody wants to do it big but this is the place you have to start. From the bottom, simple.
Production wise, who are your influences? Who does your production?
Other than myself, Heavy Music does my production.. My favorite engineer and one of the hottest engineers in Philly is my man Dunny. This dude is so gifted when it comes to the production.. His sound and quality defeats all. Far as influences production wise is Kanye, Timberland, and Pharell. The sound that they bring and the versatility that all three have amazes me.. It makes me want to make better and quality songs.
And who would you like to work with?
Once I get signed and everything is settled and I’m making moves, I Want to work with Diddy, Kanye & Timberland. You can’t go wrong with that lineup.
Any current or future projects you are promoting?
I just released my E.P “Panama Red” which is exclusively available on www.werunthestreets.com . This project is so dope and I worked so hard to make it perfect. It’s doing great numbers right now. It’s way more than I expected and I appreciate all the love and support I’ve been getting on this project. It’s also nominated for “Best New Mixtape” at the Indie Music Awards here in Philly. I can’t be more proud so make sure yall go check that out. You won’t be disappointed .
Can you give us a brief description of the creative process of PANAMA RED EP? Also/ tell us a little bit about the concept and idea behind your Album/Mixtape Cover Art.
Panama Red was started once me and my former manager fell off. As of now I have no manager or label backing and thats what motivated this project. I wanted to do something that was different from everything else I’ve done, sound, quality, and beats. The major influence in this project was weed lol. Man every song on this project was accompanied by some good ass weed! Hence the name “Panama Red”. Every song has a meaning when you listen to the words and also, I wanted to make something that people can roll up too and just vibe. As far as the album cover, it was created by my brother Alexander Hudson. We talked and I let him hear the songs and from there he created that masterpiece. Everything fits so perfect because the hot boxed car goes perfectly with the mood and the vibe of the E.P #LeafLife
Where can we find your music and info?
All my new music is on soundcloud. All you have to do is click on the link www.soundcloud.com/phillyzigg . My website will be coming soon so stay tuned for that. I also have a couple of videos out right now too. When you type in Philly Zigg in Google you’ll see me. Everything is linked to my social networks as well. So please follow and I’ll follow back.
Any shout outs?
I want to give a shout out to my bro Alexander, my drummer Bills, my brother Black, he been rocking with me from the start. He more behind he scenes but I definitely want to send him a shout out and also my engineer Dunny and the whole Heavy Music movement. I want to give a shout out to my parents for always supporting me, also all of the artist that contributed to “Panama Red”. And lastly all of the people who believes in me and my dream and pushes me to keep doing what I do. I love yall. Thank you