ALBUM REVIEW: One Son (Fort Worth, TX) – Brilliant EP
One Son honestly flexes hard on this EP “Brilliant“. A “straight to the point” 6 track EP . A perfect definition of a “Short & Sweet Ep” which One Son cooked up representing Texas Hip Hop. The Title itself “Brilliant” is a heavy word so almost any Hip Hop fan would be curious about the project, which is always a good thing to get engagement for fans. Texas Hip Hop nowadays is flooded with SWAGGER, BLING, BLING heavy South sound of Hip Hop, so after listening to his “Brilliant EP” comforted us to know there is still some quality conscious Hip Hop in that area. With his dope rap style, deep voice and aggressive delivery really shows us there is a true MC on the rise in the Texas area.
A song that really stands out on the EP is “Reach For The Sky“. The beat transitions and lyrical content on this song is vicious. Keeping it very underground and reppin Hip Hop to the fullest is what any Hip Hop fan will realize when listening to this great EP……………