Boy Pierce Stuns His Audience With Insane Freestyle Raps

Born in Wilmington, Del., Boy Pierce learned about music production by creating mashups in college. Dedicated to succeeding, he then traveled to New York City to further pursue his music aspirations. He has successfully opened up for great talents and MCs like MC Lars, Froggy Fresh, I Fight Dragons, MC Chris, and Mac Lethal. Boy Pierce also creates music video content, one of which went viral. “Nick Foles” surpassed 850,000 views online.

Boy Pierce performs freestyle to random words generated from a program or has his audience throw words at him through his Reddit live streams. My current favourite is his freestyle random word generator take over Moment 4 Life by Nicki Minaj. Pierce is constantly working on sharpening his skills as an MC and storyteller. He is currently working on an album titled “Out of Office” in which he talks about the experiences he had in different parts of the United States as he traveled and worked remotely.

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