CW Allen (Chicago, IL) – Q&A Interview
Tell us a little about yourself. Where you are from? How long have you been making Hip Hop?
I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I began making Hip Hop in 2005 after I graduated high school. It started out as a hobby of free styling and developed into a love for creating songs and stories.
What influences you in making Hip Hop?
I honestly began writing music when a girl I was dating challenged me to do our church’s open mic. She told me I needed to “stop being scary” and, I couldn’t let her words go unanswered. After that open mic the feedback I got was pretty positive. Soon after I found myself getting invited to more open mics and hip hop events. As time went on I saw that people were really impacted by my messages so I used it to continue encouraging my listener.
Describe your music, and what separates you from other MCs?
My music is very transparent and that allows my listeners to connect. I feel an obligation make music that empowers my listeners to become better people and connect with God. It doesn’t do my listeners any good if all I do is talk about how great I am and never give them hope and inspiration. I talk about life, love, hurt, and faith. I feel like most of my peers aren’t doing that anymore. Some make amazing music but that’s where it ends and It doesn’t transcend to the next generation.
Also my music truly reflects my Midwest roots. Over the years I’ve rapped over all kinds of beats and instruments with various rhythm schemes. I think the diversity of my music gives a Kanye-ish feel.
Who have you collaborated with? Who would you like to collab with in the near future?
Most of my collabs thus far have been independent artist in my local region, very talented guys and girls but probably not anyone your familiar with. I hope that as the years go on I’ll get the opportunity to work with some well-known artist like Justin Timerlake. JT kills just about every piece of music he touches, and it maybe a taboo for me to say this, he might be the Michael Jackson of our generation. I would also love to work with Andy Mineo, dude is a lyrical monster!
Your definition of “Underground Hip Hop”?
Underground Hip Hop is the heartbeat of the underdog. For all the artist who’s sound isn’t accepted or recognized by the mainstream. Underground Hip Hop is our platform.
Production wise, who are your influences? Who does your production? And who would you like to work with?
Early on I wouldn’t say I was influenced by anyone style of production, but as I’ve grown in my craft I would say I love rhyming over that No ID /Kanye West sounds. A great blend of instruments and soul with chest knocking kicks. Their production has a story long before lyrics are added. I loved the production of Kanye’s “Graduation” album all the way through.
I’ve been getting production for my new project from a local producer here in Chicago named Geeda, my brother in law who works at Universal Studios, ATripp, and 2012 Grammy award-winning producer, Big Juice. These fellas brought the heat and I working hard not to disappoint.
I would love to get some beats from Kanye. He’s like a Beethoven of Hip Hop, and he creates timeless music. I think it would also be cool like to work with Timberland, and The Neptunes.
Any current or future projects you are promoting?
I’m currently promoting my new EP “Playing My Part”. My DJ and I have been doing shows in multiple cities since its release in December. Our hope is to build our fan base and make money to donate to our community center on the South side of Chicago, Sunshine Gospel Ministries. They are building a recording and dance studio for the teens in the neighborhood.
Can you give us a brief description of the creative process of your latest EP? Also/ what was the idea or concept description about your Album Art Cover.
As I began thinking through my project, I quickly realized I needed money to complete it so I decided to do an Indiegogo campaign to raise the money. I was able to raise $3,000 in 21 days and begin my work. We expressed our desire to help raise money for our community’s high school recording studio, and to create responsible Hip Hop in the Chi.
As we began the creative process I realized that I wanted my production to match the attitude of the lyrics I was writing. My lyrics shared about my struggles with my faith, the neighborhood around me, being broke, and my new marriage. I couldn’t use a light sonic mood for this one so I asked my producers to make it the sound darker.
As I listened to four of the five songs I had completed it was clear that this project reflected the title track. PMP reflected hundreds and thousands of people who have been given a purpose and dreams but have little encouragement to pursue them. This project not only reflected listeners, but it reflected me, a kid who always struggled with low self-esteem. As I thought of my story, it seemed like my personal graphic novel through music. That gave me the idea to design my artwork like a graphic novel.
Where can we find your music and info?
My music can be found on iTunes and all major retailers. I’m also on Reverbnation (, Myspace (, and Facebook ( Twitter (@cw_allen)
Any shout outs?
I would like to shout out my lovely wife Jacqui and my family. DJ Ruckus, Point Ash and the Transparent Muzik team. Insomniac studio, and all those who contributed to my career thus far. You have all been such a blessing. Last but not least My Lord and savior Jesus Christ, you have forever changed my life.