Q&A With Hip Hop Artist Sinical About His New Single “Dreams” Featuring Termanology
Massachusetts MC’s Sinical and Termanology teamed up in a collaborative effort to bring listeners the
essence of Hip Hop. With a raw, new school boom bap sound and storytelling bars, the duo delivers an
insightful look into their “Dreams”. We had the opportunity to speak with Sinical and hear his
perspective on his new single.
“How did the collaboration with Termanology come about”?
“We have a mutual producer, Flip Jackson. I reached out to Flip about producing the record
and he put me in touch with Term”.
“Flip Jackson isn’t the producer on your single, why is that”?
“To make a long story short, Flip and I had some technical difficulties once we got in the studio.
After that we weren’t able to link back up. The whole situation is comical lookin’ back on it. I felt bad
though and I told him I’d make it up him”.
“Did you keep your promise to Flip”?
“Of course. I invited him to the studio session with Term and myself. He’s also the producer on
my upcoming record “They Think They Know” with Slaine.
“How did you connect with 1st Official”?
[Sinical] “I was on a deadline to get this track done. The recording session had been booked in advance.
I had less than a week to find a beat, write and lay the vocals down. I was at my house going through
catalogs of instrumentals and I randomly stumbled upon 1st’s website. The first beat I heard caught my
ear and I fell in love with the sound.
“What sample was used by 1st Official”?
“Hang on To a Dream” by Cissy Houston”. And the obvious, Biggie is on the hook”.
“Any relation to Whitney Houston”?
“Yeah, her mother. I was mind blown when he told me that. We were sitting in the studio and I
leaned in to ask him about the sample. I had my engineer, The Arcitype pull it up on YouTube and sure
enough it was her.
“What was the vibe like in the recording session”?
“It was incredible. At first, I was a bit stand-offish. I received an upsetting phone call before
heading in and it threw me through a loop. Once I was able to settle myself everything else fell into
place. Typically, when I’m recording the sessions are small and a professional atmosphere consisting of
myself, the producer and engineer. This time it was opposite of what I’m custom to. There were twelve
people with multiple conversations going on at once and cracking jokes. Toward the end of the session,
Arc popped a bottle of champagne from an award show the previous night. It was a great experience.
“What is your relationship with Termanolgoy now”?
“He’s a character. You know, you listen to an artist and try to build this vision of them through
their music. I really didn’t know what to expect heading into this process, but he’s a good dude. Even
after the song had been completed we’ve kept in touch”.
“The song has been put into radio rotation. What major stations has it been played on”?
“SHADE45, Show Off Radio with DJ Statik Selektah and Hip Hop Nation, Rap Is Outta Control
with DJ Eclipse.

“What are your future plans in music”?
“To continue making it. I’m working on an Album as we speak, but unlike previous projects I’m
taking a new approach. I’m at the point of my career where it’s now or never. I’ve had to overcome too
many obstacles in life to get where I am now and I’m not about to throw in the towel”.
“Where can people hear your single, Dreams”
“On all streaming platforms.”.
Listen to Sinical’s new single with Termanology
Spotify; http://spoti.fi/2pbqkKg
Apple Music; https://apple.co/2Ev7qVd
Follow @sinicalhiphop and @termanologyst