KAIRO (Miami, FL) – Flashbacks /// UndergroundHipHopBLOG.com
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Kairo is a Miami Native striving in the world of Hip Hop & Rap. Being Born in a Colombian/Puerto Rican household, Kairo marinates instrumentals with the latin flavor as he journeys through his mental giving listeners his deepest thoughts, and stories from his experiences as well as from the people around him. Hailing from the area known as FountainBleau, he represents an area different from the Lavish life, extravagant cars, and most blown out clubs.
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/KairoLavo3
Bandcamp : www.kairo3.bandcamp.com
Reverbnation : www.reverbnation.com/kairolavo3
Twitter : @KairoLavo3 /// @Jayybfs