WakeUp_MrFresh (Virginia) – “Supplier” (Official Video)
Wak3up_Mrfresh is a Virginia native, & was easily inspired by legendary VA artists such asThe Neptunes, & The Clipse. Raised by military parents he traveled the country at a young age which plays a major role in his music. “My biggest fear is my sound being labeled or held to one style or one region” he states. Wak3up_Mrfresh plans to show & prove with his up coming project “Rose Gold Ave”. In the meantime he is working on his urban hat line by the same name (RGA). “Rose Gold Ave is the space you are in once you achieve mental freedom”. Refusing to be held by mental barriers, Wak3up_Mrfresh is destined to go far.
Be sure to get your very own exclusive Rose Gold Avenue Snapbacks at www.RoseGoldAve.BigCartel.Com
Twitter: Wakeup_MrFresh
Instagram: Wak3up_MrFresh
Soundcloud: WakeupMrfresh